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Christmas Craft Ideas from Marion Square

Bottle-Bells for Christmas
by Amy Tankersley

You’ve got your “Nature Lovers”, your “Environmentalists”, your “Recycle Freaks”, and your “Arts-n-Crafts Geeks”, (each in varying degrees).  I am all of those, especially Arts-n-Crafts, which, in my opinion, is a REASON TO LIVE.  And when Christmas rolls around, my pulse quickens and my scalp tingles, as I break out the glue and glitter.  My poor husband groans and claims that glitter shortens the life of his vacuum cleaner.  I always say, “Husband, there is no life without glitter. You can always buy a new vacuum cleaner.” And to prove my point, I wrote a poem about it.

Has Christmas got boring? Is your life sad and bitter?
It’s your own fault, you know. Don’t be a couch sitter.

Stop watching “Three’s Company”. Say bye to John Ritter.
Get off your phone and forget about twitter.

Do Arts-n-Crafts. Be a creative critter.
Cuz everything looks great in spray paint and glitter.

What does this have to do with you? Follow my train of thought here: If you’ve made the wise decision to come here to T.G.C.I.T.W. (Charleston, SC) during the holidays, then go up to Marion Square and see the lights.  The giant Christmas Tree light cone is so cool to walk inside and look up.  Marion Square is bordered on 3 sides by King Street on the west, Calhoun Street on the South and Meeting Street on the East.  For two hours of free parking, go to There’s a parking garage on King St. facing the park, and it’s in between The Francis Marion Hotel, and St. Matthews Lutheran Church. I won’t say ”you can’t miss it” because it’s a pain in the Aspen to find, but it’s there.  If you’re hungry and thirsty, a new restaurant on Calhoun St., facing the park, makes killer fish tacos and serves excellent craft beers.  Their coasters even say, “Get your fizzy yellow beer off this coaster”.  They are on the 2nd or 3rd floor, and have balcony seating looking over the park.

Back to Marion Square…there are some real christmas trees set up with ornaments made from recycled cans, bottles, and other cool stuff. Well, you know me- I went bonkers. I took pictures, wrote notes, and raced home to pull plastic soda bottles out of the recycle bin. I’ve made “bottle bells”, and they are adorable, if I do say so myself.

If you’re staying through New Years, sign up for one of my Holiday History Walking tours, and pray for temps below the 70’s, cuz I’m gonna wear a period dress of green velvet, so if I swoon, someone please catch me. I’ll have some of my bottle bells on display, and if you beg nicely, I might give you one. I’m also thinking of all of us singing christmas carols (I’ll bring music), and hot apple cider.

Have a Super Sparkly Holiday, Amy

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